The Done-for-You
Customer Billing Portal for Paddle

Spend your development time on your core product features instead of wasting time handling all the billing management edge cases.

Customer portal for Paddle

You simply call our API and we'll do the heavy lifting

Setup our self-service billing portal in no time and free up your valuable development time. Empower your customers to manage their subscriptions and billing details. Focus on what you do best and let us handle all the complexities and edge cases of billing management.

  "portalId": "xxx",
  "email": "[email protected]", 
  // or
  "paddleCustomerId": "ctm_123", 
  // optional customization
    "customData": "{...}" 
    "theme": "light",
    "discountCode": "VOUCHER001",
Optimized for SaaS
Ready-to-go default settings for typical software as a service founders that just want to get going. Simplest way to integrate Paddle checkout.
20 Languages
Support for 20 languages out of the box, detected automatically or using Paddle settings. Includes localized email templates.
Built by Paddle experts
We've been working with Paddle for years and know the ins and outs of their systems. We're here to help you with any questions you might have.
Security & privacy
Your customer data is kept in Paddle, any customer specific data Boathouse saved in custom data attributes inside Paddle. There is no vendor lock-in if you decide to leave.
Billing Add-Ons for Paddle

But wait, there's more.

Our ready-made customer portal is just the start.
Boathouse offers a range of add-ons to help you get the most out of Paddle.

Embeddable pricing table

A simple pricing table editor to create beautiful dynamic and customizable pricing tables from your Paddle prices.

Monthly and annual prices
Link two Paddle prices together that represent the same plan but different payment frequencies.
Plan details
Add feature lists and descriptions to each plan.
Localized pricing
Automatically loads your prices in the local currency based on the user's location.
Screenshot for Embeddable pricing table

Cancellation flows

Learn about why customers are cancelling and offer alternatives to keep them using your service.

Customizable reasons with follow-up questions
Ask for the reason for cancellation and offer a follow-up question.
Offer pausing instead of canceling
Provide a way to pause the subscription for a number of configurable months instead of canceling.
Integrates with ProfitWell Retain
Already using ProfitWell Retain for cancellation and recovery. Our customer portal can integrate their flows too.
Screenshot for Cancellation flows

Billing Emails

Send a range of customizable emails to your customers based on billing and payment related events.

Send renewal reminders
Send emails about upcoming charges and renewal dates to reduce churn and support requests. Customizable for each price.
Card expiry reminders
Send emails about expiring cards to reduce failed payments and churn.
Additional billing email
Let customers specify an additional email address to receive invoices (e.g. accounting department).
Fully translated and customizable
We provide all email templates in 20 languages and you can customize the layout and content.
Screenshot for Billing Emails

Drip Campaigns

Simple email sequences for your SaaS based on customer and subscriber events.

Welcome Emails
Say hello and give helpful tips on how to use your SaaS.
Upgrade Emails
Introduce features that new subscribers now have access too.
Email Sequences
Send any number of sequence steps, specifying how many days in between new emails.
Screenshot for Drip Campaigns

Ready to setup your customer portal in 60 seconds?

Sign-up, add your Paddle key and view the portal for one of your customers.

Questions, Feedback or any Issues?
Talk to or Email Alex